Don't bark up the wrong tree by trying commercial brand white sauces. Big Bob Gibson's White Sauce is an award-winning sauce people have been enjoying since 1925! It’s even won 1st place in the 1995 American Royal Barbecue Contest. Don't let the color fool you, this white BBQ sauce taste nothing like ranch. Big Bob Gibson's White Sauce is an all-purpose sauce that can be used for a dipping sauce, a baste or even as an added "secret" ingredient in your potato salad.
Big Bob Gibson White BBQ Sauce has a tangy peppery taste that is flexible enough to be used on chicken, turkey, pork, and even wild game. Many say it's a MUST on smoked, roasted or grilled chicken. Grab a bottle of Big Bob Gibson White sauce and try an alternative Alabama BBQ sauce.
Excellent sauce for chicken! Chris Lilly is a genius. I always order multiple bottles so I don’t run out. Tangy & a peppery but a perfect balance. The original! All others can’t compare. Awesome sauce